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Obtaining the clear wing is a random event. However, there are circumstances.

1. Beat the game. (Defeat Rayquaza at the Sky Tower.)

2. Continue the game as usual, doing rescue missions/going to new dungeons.

That is all. One day, Spinda will be at your door and he will give tou the wing.

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Q: How do you get the clear wing in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team?
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You cant its yust a rank and statue Uh, dude, to clear it up for you, you can't battle, recruit, or even see Lucario in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team Red/Blue. Like he said, it is a rank, and when you achieve that rank, you unlock a free statue, however, you can battle, recruit, and see Lucario in the new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time/Darkness. I hope I helped you. Good luck to both of you!

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after you defeat the game do 3-4 rescues and walk in the center of the Pokemon square

How do you get the clear wing in mystery dungeon blue rescue team?

It is given to you from a Spinda that comes into town. You have to beat Entei, Raikou and Suicune in that order to get a rainbow wing. After that, you are in the clear to get Ho-oh.

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After beating Rayquaza, keep doing rescue missions. Then go to Solar Cave and clear it, then one day your Pokemon will wake up early in the morning and will go outside and see a blue blur. He'll go inside.

How do you get clear wing on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

after you beat raquaza your partner will ask to make other Pokemon leaders. go to Pokemon square and talk to the Pokemon. spinda will come in Pokemon square and faint. you will take him to your house and heal him as a reward he will give you the clear wing. you then have to go to xatu again