First you have to obtain the Cloudy Mirror, which you will get at Remiem Temple, just to the side of the Calm Lands. You have to race another chocobo around a spiral trackway, hitting chests which act as shortcuts. You don't need to worry about chests or poles for this, just beat the other chocobo and you get the mirror.
To turn it into the Celestial Mirror, you need to return to Macalania once you have full control of the airship. You'll have to find a woman's husband, then hunt for her son, who is on the skyroad overhead. Close to where you find him, is the spot where the Cloudy Mirror can be turned into the Celestial Mirror.
In the campsite
Her Celestial weapon is named the Onion Knight.
Tidus's Celestial weapon, or Ultima is the caladbolg
Final Fantasy X was first released in the year 2001.
Yes well this is my opinion. Final Fantasy X is better than Final Fantasy XIII
Yes there are subtitles in Final Fantasy X
There are no cheat codes for Final Fantasy X.
There isn't a whirlwind in Final Fantasy X.
Sin was only in Final Fantasy X, and mentioned in Final Fantasy X-2.
Final Fantasy X-7? no. there is Final Fantasy 10-2 which is the sequel to Final Fantasy 10 (and is the only actual sequel in all of the final fantasy games) and there is Final Fantasy 7, but there is no Final Fantasy x-7. the games may be made by the same people but do not relate to each other in anyway other then the fact they are Final Fantasy.
There are 3 final fantasy in a playstation 2 console, Final fantasy X Final fantays X-2 And Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy X