you have to go to Triton avenue. you can get there from old town, and you can get to old town from the shopping district. you can get there from the commons. You probably know where the commons are, and if not, USE THE MAP!!!!!!
You have to do a mission from Blad Raveneye when you talk to his friend. Then his friend tells you to go back to Blad Raveneye. He tells you to locate the Kraken teleporter. Once you locate the Kraken teleporter you have to defeat the Kraken. He is very easy.
Hint: Use myth magic on him!
You need to finish the main quests in Pyramid of the suns, Krokosphinx, than the Tomb of storms. In the tomb of storms The ghost of krokohotep Will give you the main quests in tomb of storms. After you kill the four princes you go to the throne of storms i think. Than you go defeat a couple of bosses and than you fight Krokopatra. After that you go to Marlybone.
The kraken quest
if you are a storm wizard you have to be level 60 than go to the profesor halestrom balestrom and he will give you the quest for it. You can also hatch with another player for something similar to it.
It is in Triton Avenue.You need to talk to Blad Raveneyes Friend and when he has you defeat the Kraken use the teleporter that is the closest to the wall
you get raped
you can get them as a reward in a quest or buy them.
u get ice wavern
The round and round quest is no longer on wizard
Beat monsters the Kraken is one of the good monsters to beat. there are a lot of good ones to beat though.
it is the final quest for the world, you have to get boths sides done then you go get the quest for big ben
from the fire dragon QUEST.
just get the quest for it but get help if to hard
There is no pet Triton in Wizard101 Update: There is now a Triton pet in the game. You must me a Storm wizard and complete the Hearts in Atlantis quest, which is a level 78 school quest.