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You get frigasaurus in the BB base defeat the 3 Snivels after you beat the game.
You get ignosaurus after you defeat Saurhead 3 times after you beat the game.
You get Duna and Raptin after you get first 100 vivosaurs in the park.

You can also get Gunhash's three brains by using the time machine Dr.Diggins makes.It takes you to the part where you battle him.Win it,then it says "Gunhash's three brains have been added to your VMM.

I beat the game.....
Good Luck!

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15y ago
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13y ago

you need to use Nintendo wi fi then pick the bonus data icon. after a while, you will recieve your ignosaurus and frigiosaurus . then play your game, then go to the fossil lawn, then look for 2 rocks and you got the legendary vivosaurs!

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12y ago

go to carnial citys store then buy a hare mask then go to the building next to the fossil guild and talk to a kid and he will want droping fossils the he will give you a droping mask then go to ribular town and go to treasure lake and you will find maraiulos fossils and it works. :)

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Q: How do you get super fossils in fossil fighters champions?
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Can you take away a super fossil in fossil fighters champions?

you can remove it by placing another super fossil if you wanted to get rid of it then no

Where do you find an omias fossil in fossil fighters champions?

You take a amargo fossil from dusty dunes and super evolve it.

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What is super fossil fighters?

it is fossil fighters number 2

How do you get the super strong fire fossil in fossil fighters?

just team them up with vivosaures with good support effects ; or finda lot of fossils for it etc.

Can you transfer fossils from Fossil Fighters into super fossil fighters?

Yes, but it only works in that direction. In order to do this, you'll need two DS systems, a copy of Champions, and a copy of Fossil Fighters. 1. Boot up the original and travel to the Park area with the Fossil Rock(s) you want to transfer. 2. Talk to the excitable Attendant by the completed Fossil Cannon to load your Fossil Rock(s) 3. Save and quit. 4. Clicking on the file you loaded the rocks on, go to "Play with Another Person." 5. Click Battle/Trading. Click "yes" at the notification. 6. Boot up Champions. Go to "Multiplayer." 7. Select "Local Play." "Yes" at the prompt. 8. On Champions, click "Receive Cannon Fire." 9. Select "Fossil Fighters Cannon" 10. Go back to your copy of Fossil Fighters. Select the name of your Champions character. Click the Fossil Rock(s) you want to send, and then hit fire. Ta-da! The Fossil Rocks are now on the Fossil Lawn on Ribular Island!

Will there be another fossil fighters game?

Fossil Leauge is an old game but its really cool!

How do you super revive vivosaurs in fossil fighters champions?

No, All of the vivosaurs do not have super revival forms. Even if they don't evolve, they still gain a ton of extra lp, defence, attack... points when you do a super revival

Will duna be in super fossil fighters?

as fare as I now yes.

When does Super Fossil Fighters come out in America?

Nov.3d 2011

What time is super fossil fighters coming out in the US?

December 7th, 2013

Where is super fossil fighters out?

well it's out in japen but should come out in the U.S.A soon.