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get a friend or 2nd ds +game. then trade all of the Pokemon you cant live with out. THEN: MAKE SURE YOUVE TRADED ALL POKEMON YOU WANTED. !!!!! then start a new game and get far enough through the game so you can catch Pokemon with pokeballs and buy pokeballs. after that catch the exact amount you traded over.

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Q: How do you get rid of mail that Pokemon are holding?
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How do you trade MAIL on Pokémon black?

You Trade a Pokemon holding a piece of MAIL.

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No,they don't.

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what mail and who is keyna? i might help you if you tell me what it is cause I've played it before. is keyna a Pokemon you named? if it is all you have to do is that the item it is holding. -RR14

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First, you click on the Pokemon that is holding the air mail then,there should be a littile box go down to the word mail click on it then it will say read or take select take then it will say send your removed mail to your PC select yes then your done!!!!!!(:

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As far as I know the only way to get another dig is to trade for a Pokemon that is holding the TM dig or to get it from another version

What is the mail used for on platinum?

It is simply to be able to make and send messages to your friends using your traded Pokemon, while it's holding the mail. It serves no other function in the game.

How do you get rid of stuff that you are holding in Minecraft?

Press Q. This will drop what you are holding. If you want to get rid of it permanently, drop it in lava.

How do you send mail in Pokemon black?

To fill it out : go to your items and touch the mail you wish to send. press "GIVE" and give it to a pokemon. it will ask you if you want to make any changes to it ( like fill it out ).to send it to a trainer : give it to the pokemon you wish to trade and trade it with the trainer. the trainer will notice it has an item, and they will get rid of it. they will notice it is mail, so they will read it. they will read your message and be filled with joy!Hope This Helped You!! :)

How do you trade MAIL on Pokemon black?

there is no way you can trade mail on pokemon black

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Give it a mail item and trade it.

Are there Pokemon you can get rid of to get Lucario in Pokemon Rumble?

Yes if you get rid of 5 riolu you get a lucario ticket.