After getting Rank 7, Chaud e-mails you saying that you have a message on the ACDC BBS. Check it. You'll learn that Rank 3 is looking for you and will meet in Undernet 4. To get to Undernet 4 you need to go through Undernet 2. Talk to the navi at the top and he'll let you in. Take the warp point to the green level, then the blue level. DON'T go to Undernet 5. Warp around the blue level till you reach the slope, go down, and enter the cutscene. After fighting Gutsman beta, you receive Rank 3.
After getting Rank 7, Chaud e-mails you about a message on the ACDC BBS. Check it out. Then, go to Undernet 4 at the bottom of the slope. The entrance to Undernet 4 is through Undernet 2. Search long enough and you'll find it. At the bottom of the slope you'll enter a cutscene. Defeat Gutsman Beta and receive Rank 3.
In Undernet 3, where you fought Flamman. And it looks like he's a familiar face . . .
Rank 10 is in HadesNet. Rank 9 is in HospComp 2 using the warp point in Beach 1. Rank 8 is in Undernet 3. Rank 7 is in PrincipalComp 2. Rank 3 is in Undernet 4. Rank 2 is in the DNN studio battle terminal. Rank 1 is technically in Secret Area 3, but don't worry about that.
Rank 2 is obtained from Bowlman in Blue and Mistman in White. Both are located in the battle terminal in the DNN studio. Just jack in, talk to them, battle them, defeat them, get rank 2.
go to Under3. he's in there somewhere. btw, Rednu is just Under spelled backwards
By beating the guy who has Rank 8. That's sort of obvious. If you're having trouble FINDING him, a different matter entirely, try searching "what does Rednu3 mean in Megaman battlenetwork 3" among answered questions. Having written the answer to this question several times, you should get multiple results.
It is talking about Hades Isle. When you go in you'll need press NC program, and just search and he will be in one of the open 3x3 areas.
no you can only link megaman games together if it is the same number like megaman battle network 3 blue to megaman battle network 3 white
DNN's BattleComp. It's Mistman. Basically a mechanized Aladdin's lamp. Have fun fighting your virtual genie.
there is talk of a new megaman for 3ds
Rank 1 is available from Serenade. Don't worry about this if you haven't beaten Alpha yet. If you have, go to the Undernet server, talk to the gigantic hole, and explore. He's in Secret 3 behind the Door of Honor.
Rank 9 is in HospComp 2, using the warp point in Beach 1 past the Hosp Security Cube, which is bypassed with the HospCode Mamoru gives you. There's also a blue mysterydata there.
Anything you destroy will give you health or E-crystals. They also lower your rank and only when you go to the green door and you want to fight Phantom, your rank stays the same because you need the green door