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There are several Qiraji Battletanks in the game, obtained in various ways:

Black Qiraji Battletank

This is a black silithid mount which can be used anywhere, but was only obtainable if you were the person to bang the gong to open the Ruins of Ahn'qiraj instance on your server. That person also gained the Scarab Lord title. Neither the title nor the mount is available anymore.

Red, Green, Blue and Yellow Battletanks

These are mounts in various colors, which drop from trash mobs in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40). They can only be used inside this instance and are pretty common (except the red one, which has its own achievement to obtain).

Scepter of Azj'Aqir

This is an item which you can dig up using the new Archaeology profession, and teaches you how to summon the Ultramarine Qiraji Battletank. It's a very rare item to obtain, and requires finding a lot of Tol'vir artifacts at a skill of 425+ in Archaeology.

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