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It depends on what kind of server you are running. If it is a listen server (i.e. you started it from the main menu of the program) you might want to grab your dynamic IP address which you can get from, then tell your friends to open the developer console (They have to have the option checked under Options > Keyboard > Advanced Settings > Enable developer console) and type "connect (the IP address you got):27015" so if my dynamic IP address was I would type "connect"

(without the quotes though, be mindful of that). Once your friends enter that they will be on their way.

As for a dedicated server (i.e. one run with a Dedicated Server tool and technically isn't Gmod but just the server itself) you can invite your friends by way of the Steam In-Game Interface.

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Q: How do you get people to join your server in Gmod?
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How do you join a Gmod server?

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you give them the IP address of your server and then they tipe it in on the online option on the mane menu of minecraft and then they should be able to join

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probably not,unless u have friends that know ur server but strangers probably wont join ur game

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