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You can't do anything about the lasers until you rescue the third spy.

You have to go around the lasers on the building on Balding Avenue. Wearing the Chameleon Suit will help you avoid getting punched when you're on the roof. Go farther left to the red building, and then grapple back to the right from the top of that building. There is a helpful spy there to suggest this. Inside the greenhouse, you should take off the Grapple Bowtie.

When you save the third spy in the greenhouse, you get the Ultra Vision Goggles and you can see the lasers. This lets you slip by when they are off.

(see related question)

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12y ago

1.first go to spy island ( if on a different island )

2. go into spy HQ and talk to docter D. and he will give you a decoder cit

3. go to spyglass eyewear and talk to the guy and say you want to get a eye exam

4.when he shows you the chart do everything backwards like when he shows you a m do a w

5.then he will say meet me upstairs go outside go up the latter when you are in talk to him again and he will give you a camo suit go to the warehouse all the way to the right be really still or the bad guys will kick you

7. get past everything and even get past the dogs go on top the shelfs jump into it and talk to the guy in there and he will give you a laser pen

8.go to the house with lasers try to get to the top when you do click on the bars and use your laser pen to cut the bars go in talk to the guy in there and he will give you a grapling bow

9. I hope i helped and thats all i remeber so by.

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12y ago

If you're talking about the door of the 2nd level to Spyglass Eyewear:You go inside Spyglass Eyewear and talk to the guy by the eye exam thing. Next you tell him you want an eye exam. When he points to a letter, it will ask you to identify the letter. You must say the opposite of what it really is. For example, If he points to M, you say he pointed to W. If he points to E, say he pointed to 3. Get it? When you finish, he'll say I see Dr. D sent you, I'll meet you upstairs. Now the locked door is unlocked :)

If You mean the door with the scanning thing on it that you have to walk through the lasers to get to: Sorry, you have to leave the lasers area. Walk over to B.A.D. Bistro and go into the kitchen. Tell the chef you're there to apply for the chef job, and pass his little memory test. He'll give you a chef hat once you pass. Now, put on the hat and walk over to the bald guy sitting with the laughing lady, and he'll give you his cup so you can refill it. Now, since he won't let you leave with that cup, you have to sneak out. Go back to the kitchen and climb up to the passage in the ceiling. Jump across the lamps to get to the door. It doesn't matter if you jump too far, because it's better safe than sorry. Now, go back through that laser place and use that cup on that scanner door. Have fun :)

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14y ago

You will need the Chameleon Suit from Spyglass Eyewear, which will let you become invisible. Go to the store and ask the doctor for an eye exam. When he points to a symbol, choose the opposite one (W instead of M, backward E instead of E, etc). When he goes upstairs, go outside and enter the upstairs door. He will give you the Chameleon Suit, which lets you hide when you stand still.

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13y ago

When you are wearing the Chameleon Suit, you are invisible when you stop moving. You can slip past the guards and dogs using it.

(see related question)

*In the Bistro, slip past the bigwig's bodyguards by climbing out through the kitchen vent and going across the lights to reach the door.

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13y ago

Type in ' open sesame!' then make your character walk a step forward an a step back. Then ask' May I enter lord?' you will see a reply then you may enter if the reply was yes.

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When you save the 3ed spy she will give you these goggles that will help you with the lasers. Good luck spy. ;) .

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How do you get past the lazers on spy island on poptropica?

Give up

How do get past the lasers in spy island poptropica?

I don't think you can unalse

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