You can find detailed tips on how to pass level 39 in eletric box 2 on
yes if it doesn't have an everstone
duno why shud i no
If you wanna gift someone the coin box, they have to have it in their wishlist and you have to be level 25 and up to gift.
are you on about Pokemon ranch if so it is impossible to get over level 25 because it only lets you have 1,ooo Pokemon in the ranch at any time which you unlock at level 25. I hope i am on about the right game.
The boxes are level packs. A box have 25 levels with the same theme.
You can go past level 25, Proof, go on ireland msp and search up Bunni or go to highscores and look at the levels. Bunni is in level 36 and pump is in level 86
The nearside electric window winder doesn't work Are both motors served by the same fuse?
Ghastly evolves at a level 25.
Roggenrola Evolves at level 25 into boldore and you must then trade it for it to Evolve from Boldore into Gigalith
The Electric Company - 1971 25 1-25 was released on: USA: 26 November 1971
25 past 7 in digital time is 7:25.