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When u go to MT.Chimney,u will see a bunch of magma guys and aqua guys fighting,then climb the stairs on the mountain,then go to your extreme left and go straight.Now u willl see the maagma leader Maxy,talk to him,beat him then take the meteorite and head down the stairs in mt.chimney,then go down..u will see an old lady...if u go further..u will find Lavaridge town!

hope i helped!!!:)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

You have to fight Team Magma/Aqua's leader and take the meteroite from the machine.

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Q: How do you get past Team Magma at Mt.Chimney?
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Google Pokemon sapphire walkthrough and search through a walkthrough

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This is not the team magma cave that is team aqua cave. Team magma cave opens when you have the magma symbol.

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well the first person who did this is awsome but, im pretty shure that you take your best Pokemon with you up the gondola and go to the boss and tottaly enialate him.

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Go to the cave that is purple it leads towards Rustboro city, you'll see team magma surrounding a professor go close, you'll hear about the meteorite and then Team Aqua comes then go back to where those 2 magma guys they disappeared because they needed the meteorite .

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you have to defeat team magma first i think if im wrong sorry

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No, you cannot be a member of Team Aqua / Team Magma in Sapphire.

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you dont team magma is on your side(they are not the bad guys team aqua is)

How do you get to mtchimney on Pokemon emerald?

Follow the storyline, you'll get there eventually.