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The rocks are on top of lava geysers, and are about the same distance apart. Jump right to the next rock when it is lower (you may not be able to see it). For the jump between the 5th and 6th rocks, jump when BOTH ROCKS ARE MOVING DOWN.

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14y ago

Jump onto the lava rocks, one by one, then when get to the next to last, open your map for 10 seconds and close it. Suddenly you'd be on the last lava rock, wait for it to go to the top, then jump on top of the volcano and go inside it.

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14y ago

You are jumping from rock to rock on the lava geysers of the Fire Planet. To jump to the 6th rock, you just have to jump when both rocks are moving DOWNWARD.

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Q: How do you get on the sixth lava rock on Astro Knights Island?
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How do you get past the sixth rock on the fire planet on astro knights island?

Just wait until the 5th and 6th lava rocks are both moving downward, then jump. The sixth rock should fall right under you.

How do you get to the lava planet on Astro Knights Island?

The FIRE PLANET is at coordinates X-83 Y-20, up and to the right from the planet Poptropica.

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The Fire Planet is at coordinates X-83 Y-20, up and right from the Pewter Moon.

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How do you get to the sixth lava rock on Astro Knights Island?

For your first five jumps on the geyser rocks, you jump when the next rock is lower. But for the 5th to 6th rocks, jump when both rocks are moving downward. The rock should fall right under you.

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The lava is the first challenge on the Fire Planet (X-83 Y-20), which is up and to the right of the planet Poptropica. (see related question)

How do you get past the lava planet on astro knights?

you need to defeat the dragon

How do you get to the fier planet in astro knights on poptropica?

In order to get to the lava planet on Poptropica's Astro Knights, you must fly to the sun. From there, you must fly diagonally in the right direction. You should come across the lava planet.

How do you pass the lava and hot rocks on Astro Knights?

I found this very tricky. The best way is to get your timing PERFECT. Watch tutorials on YouTube of Astro Knights.

How do you get to the sixth lava platform on Astro Knights Island?

On the Fire Planet, you have to jump to the rocks on the lava geysers. On your 4th jump, the next rock is out of sight when you jump, so just make sure it is below you. On the tricky 6th jump, jump when BOTH rocks are heading DOWNWARD. The 6th rock should fall under you.

What does the lava planet look like on Astro Knights Island?

The FIRE PLANET appears red and smoking from orbit. You will find it at X-83 Y-20.

How do you get through the lava on Astro Knights Island?

Jump across the lava on the rocks atop the lava geysers. Jump to the next rock when it goes lower. For the 5th and 6th rocks, jump when they are both headed down, and the rock will fall under you.