A ccer is someone that goes on forums in moshi monsters and go on contest centrel. CCer is contest centrel
this is a very long song but... moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling.... so basikly every 4 times it says moshling moshling insted of monsters monsters.
It means your ranking you are in Moshi Monsters, it goes by the alphabet. If your mon-STAR is an "A" then you are really famous on Moshi Montsers and if yours is a "Z" you pretty low and unknown on Moshi Monsters. But since you are at "N" you are doing pretty well.
Moshi Monsters has always been Moshi Monsters.
it can't be dark o moshi monsters even when its night time in the real world it won't get dark. add me; raph618
There is no jail on Moshi Monsters.
No, you can not breed monsters in Moshi Monsters.
Thats why its call moshi monsters
Moshi Monsters and Binweevils is very similar i recommend Moshi Monsters
No, you can not erase Moshi Monsters, however, if you quit playing Moshi Monsters you can ask the Moshi Monsters staff to delete your account.
The Sunken Window goes in your house.