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well ya have to complete all the missions and once you done that then you have to see the community otherwise it's a secret on both missions you get a moshlings which is cool add me kittens566 I'm cool ill add anyone and plus i add people that add me and i want more friends so i will add you i hope that works

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Visit different places in Monstro City. You will see different Moshi Monsters characters on the streets. When you click on the character, they will ask if you would like to help them.

Free Basic Moshi Monsters members can only do one quest each day while paid Moshi Members may do up to three quests each day. If you have already completed your limit of quests for that day, you will have to wait until the next day to get more quests.

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Q: How do you get more missions on moshimonsters?
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the fastest way is by doing the daily challenge, and also some other missions. Add me! Icecream26231

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No you do not have to pay for moshimonsters only to be a member

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well you can play games and i really dont know

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i dont no Well Kate1223 does: you do the new mission on moshimonsters

How many moshlings are there on moshimonsters?

52 and they may start getting more... There will be more secret moshlings soon.

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well get the moshimonsters magazine and you can get codes to get free rox.

How do you get a mission moshimonsters?

You need to be a member 1st then go to the volcano you'll have a mini quest, once its done inside the volcano is a guy with a stick click on him and a menu on missions should come up

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it is new so it is a code because it said in the moshimonsters magizine