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There are many ways, you can fashion it after old wishing wells, or new ones or make your own design. If this will be a lawn fixture, you can make it round, square,octagon, what ever shape you want. EXAMPLE: You can use womanized lumber, 2x4's, cut 2x4's 1' long, you have to make many of these, drill holes in both ends 1" in from the end. If you want the well to be 30" high get some 1/4" threaded rod, lay your 20 drilled sections on there edges where the holes line up, insert the rod, now flip every other section so they point in opposite directions, take a new rod put it in the first open hole of the section you just flipped, insert a new section in the gap, continue this way until you have completed the grid securing rods with 1/4" nuts, stand on edge and bring both ends together and put last rod in place. you can add extra's like a roof supported by poles, you can put a wash tub inside with water, plant flowers around it. this was one way, you can build it any shape you want, the sky is the limit. Good-Luck. Here are a few sites to help: * *

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10y ago

A wishing well can be made by making a circular or square box and adding posts for a roof or top. This can be made with cardboard, wood, Styrofoam or other materials.

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What is the difference between a well and a wishing well?

A well is for water and a wishing well is for people that want money

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Many times, the money in a wishing well is donated to organizations, especially ones that aim towards reducing child hunger.

On webkinz world was there ever a wishing well one?

Yes there was. But it was very hard and you couldn't earn as much money on it as you could with Wishing Well 2.

What is Wishing Well 2?

WISHING WELL 2 is a game on Webkinz. It is really fun and you can play it does NOT cost any money. So go over to Webkinz have some fun of your own you can have as much fun as I did it is the best game ever. I love WISHING WELL 2!

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the wishing well is in the university

What is wishing well in spanish?

Desear bien = to wish well; deseando bien = wishing well pozo de los deseos = a wishing-well.

How do you spell wishing well?

That is the correct spelling of the term "wishing well."

When was Wishing Well Stakes created?

Wishing Well Stakes was created in 1983.

When was Wishing Well - Doctor Who - created?

Wishing Well - Doctor Who - was created in 2007.

Where is the wishing well on club penguin?

The wishing well is only available at certain parties.

Can you trade money in Neopets?

no not really like you cant offer neopoints unless your at the wishing well or the giving tree

If a couple elope and then have a wedding celebration on their return can they have a wishing well and what is gift etiquette for this celebration?

Many couples elope and then have a wedding reception or party on their return. A wishing well is generally used for wedding cards with money enclosed. Because some people don't understand what a Wishing Well is then you may have to put very delicately in your invitation what a Wishing Well means. You could also let people know you are registered at different stores under Wedding Registry and they could buy your gift at one of these stores.I'm from the UK, I've never heard of a Wishing Well at a wedding.