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Gangplank Galleon Pirate Panic - Coin 1

This coin is sitting on top of the stacks of barrels just a bit before (left)

of the G from K-O-N-G.

Mainbrace Mayhem - Coin 2

After collecting one of the Kremcoins, walk straight right across the sail

you are on. The DK Coin is just above the end-of-level target.

Gangplank Galley - Coin 3

At the entry point of the level, there should be a stack of barrels. Take

dixie, and do a jump off the barrels to the left. Use her helicopter spin to

float, and to land on the hook. Jump to the next hook, then from here you

should see the coin nearby. Jump to it. ; ).

Lockjaw's Locker - Coin 4

For this coin, wait until you find the G from K-O-N-G. When you get to it,

move slowly right, and wait for the water level to drop. Make sure to stay on

the highest crate. From this point, jump right with Dixie's helicopter spin,

following the trail of bananas to the Dk Coin itself.

Topsail Trouble - Coin 5

Right below the end-of-level target area, there is a horizontal rope, with 3

stationary zingers floating on it. While on this rope, jump and float to the

right of it to get to the Coin.

Crocodile Cauldron Hot-Head Hop - Coin 6

This coin can be found nearby the Squitter box. Look for the box, then move

right, there should be a 'Y' made of bananas. The Coin is above this. Use

Squitter's web platform technique to jump yourself up to it.

Kannon's Klaim - Coin 7

To find this one, just bear in mind, it's to the far right, and below the

first Kremkoin (bonus) location. This location is right nearby the entry area

of the level. To find the bonus spot, use Dixie's helicopter spin to float

down to the right where the initial platform you are on ends. Continue

further for the Coin.

Lava Lagoon - Coin 8

Head down, just right of the fourth Clapper (seal), and once you get past the

Save/Continue barrel, the is an invincibility barrel, and a hidden corridor

area nearby. Follow the trail of bananas through this corridor, to the DK


Red-Hot Ride - Coin 9

This can be a tricky one to get, but it's easy to find. Just proceed through

the level as normal. The coin is above the N from K-O-N-G. To get it without

losing a Kong, bring the DK Barrel from past the save barrel, and keep it

until you reach the stack of baddies flying underneath the "N". Use the

barrel on the top Zinger. Then jump onto the balloon just under the "N", and

use the team-up throw to reach the Coin.

Squawk's Shaft - Coin 10

This coin is fairly easy to find. Once you get Squawks, progress until you

encounter the 5th and 6th Krooks from where you got Squawks. Take them out,

or at least one of them, and head right, until you reach the DK Coin.

Krem Quay

Barrel Bayou - Coin 11

This one is simple. Just make sure you keep Rambi until you reach the "No

Rambi" sign. Get here, and when Rambi is removed, you are rewarded with a DK


Glimmer's Galleon - Coin 12

This one can be found through a series of secret rooms above the entry point.

To make it doable, go forward to collect Glimmer. Once he comes, backtrack to

the beginning of the level. Head upwards from here. In the room where you can

go to the first bonus, go above the wall where the entrance to the bonus is,

and push right, through the secret corridor. Once you get to the room with

the '3' made of bananas, head up from this room to get the room with the DK

Coin. Whew! Got it!

Krockhead Klamber - Coin 13

Do the tricky business of getting to the treasure chest to the left of where

you begin the level to reach it. Throw this chest at 4 Zingers in order to

open it. The DK Coin is inside.

Rattle Battle - Coin 14

For this one, make sure to jump low over the pit straight after the 'O' from

K-O-N-G. There is an opening/window with a banana in it, aim for that one.

The DK Coin is nearby.

Slime Climb - Coin 15

First off, the coin's location is pretty much right under the end-of-level

target's sail. To get to it, it's trickier. You need to swim there. But how,

you ask? Once you're over pretty far left, find the '!' barrel, aka

Invincibility barrel, and use it to swim back across the water, over to where

the Coin is.

Bramble Blast - Coin 16

For this one, the Coin is easy to find, but Squawks isn't. You need him to

get it. Here's how to get him: To get Squawks, go to near the end of the

level, where you reach the point where you get shot out of a barrel, and you

have to bounce off 4 consecutive Flitters. To find Squawks, once you bounce

off the first Flitter, drop down to the left through the trail of bananas to

find Squawks. From here, just float up and left to find the Coin.

Krazy Kremland

Hornet Hole - Coin 17

Near the end of the level, there is a hole, blocked by a lone Zinger. He's

easy to pass, if you have Squitter. To get Squitter, once you're just right

of the Save barrel, there should be a hook near the top of your screen. Use

the team-up throw to get one of the Kong's onto the hook. Work your way

upward to find Squitter's box. Once you take out the lone Zinger guarding the

hole, head left, then the coin is up a bit.

Target Terror - Coin 18

The DK Coin is on the shack-like building just before the first Klank falls

off of the track. Jump up just as you near it.

Bramble Scramble - Coin 19

For this one, get Squitter. To find: once you get to the "No Squawk's" sign,

jump to the right, through the wall of brambles. The Squitter box is just

right through here. Once you get Squitter, head upwards using the web

platform. Once you see the 2 banana coins, there should be a single banana

resting near a vertical bramble wall. This wall is passable, so go through

it. The DK Coin is just ahead, through this point.

Rickety Race - Coin 20

You get the DK Coin here for receiving the first place prize in the race.

Knock off all the Kremlings riding the coaster to take the 1st spot.

Mudhole Marsh - Coin 21

It's one of the available items at the end-of-level target. It can be tough

to get, so practice your timing of jumping off Kannon's barrel before you

actually go for it, because if you mess up, you need to go all the way

through again.

Rambi Rumble - Coin 22

This one is just a bit right of Rambi's room. However, it is near-impossible

to get with Rambi. So, don't go in his room. The room is just after the save

barrel, by the way. Instead of going in his room, jump up above the entrance

to catch onto a invisible hook. Jump up on top of the room, and go right,

collect the Coin easily as a Kong.

Gloomy Gulch

Ghostly Grove - Coin 23

This one is underneath the platform with the 'O' from K-O-N-G on it. Use

Dixie here, use her helicopter spin to jump up, then float left, then under

the platform to get at the Coin.

Haunted Hall - Coin 24

Just proceed as normal to the end of the level. At the last room, DON'T jump

on the target. Drop to the ground even with the target. When you are standing

on the low ground at the end of the level, right next to the end-of-level

target, just walk left into the small tunnel of wood. The DK Coin rests in


Gusty Glade - Coin 25

When you get to the point after passing the three barrel cannons, and you are

on a ledge with a very steep inclined hill on it, use Dixie's helicopter spin

to float right.

Parrot Chute Panic - Coin 26

To the right of the beginning of the level, take Dixie, and use her to float

down the first big downwards shaft. Float down, and to the left, there will

be a ledge for you to land on. This ledge houses the DK Coin for this level.

Web Woods - Coin 27

Just proceed to the end of the level. Once youa rrive here, you'll notice the

DK Coin is one of the rewards on the end-of-level target. It is very quick,

so time your jump carefully, it can be tough.

K. Rool's Keep

Arctic Abyss - Coin 28

After the save barrel, head down, and left. Once you get to the room that

goes up, head up, past the three starfish baddies. At the top of this chasm,

use Enguarde's A-button charge-up to blast to the right. You need to do this

quickly, because as you go, the water level will drop, and you need to be

going fast enough to fly over some little ice islands, to the DK Coin.

Windy Well - Coin 29

The Coin is under the platform that is above the platform with the 'N' from K-

O-N-G. Once you get to this point, pass some Krooks, then two groups of

moving Zingers. After passing this platform, use Dixie to float under the

next platform to the Coin.

Castle Crush - Coin 30

This one is tricky, and you need Squawks to get it. To get Squawks, head past

the continue barrel, and through the left wall that is right next to the

floating DK barrel. With Squawks, get a good lead on the ascending floor. As

the "No Squawks" sign comes into view, head right, then down the channel to

get the DK coin as fast as you can. Do this quickly, because you need to go

down to the Coin before the floor catches up with you.

Clapper's Cavern - Coin 31

Right by the 'K' from K-O-N-G, after you get the first bonus barrel, use the

team-up throw to throw a Kong up at the 'K'. The hook there will catch the

Kong, and you can head up and right to the DK Coin.

Chain-Link Chamber - Coin 32

As you reach the tougher part of the level, where there are two vertical

chains hanging down, with two Kannon's shooting Kannonballs down at you,

watch for a single banana against the side wall. This area is fake, and you

can jump through it, and to the DK Coin.

Toxic Tower - Coin 33

Progress through this hard level normally, but the coin is early in it. Watch

for the 'K' from K-O-N-G. At the 'K', continue up to where there is an 'A'

made of bananas. Use Rattly's A-charge-up jump here, and head across the

platforms to the right. Where there is a single Zinger between two platforms,

jump on him to kill him, then drop downwards to the right. Coin acquired.

The Flying Kroc

Image Unavailable

Screech's Sprint - Coin 34

From the save barrel, watch for an arrow of bananas pointing downwards. Head

up, then right from this arrow for the Coin. In my opinion, the Coin is the

easiest part of this extrememly tough level.

The Lost World

Jungle Jinx - Coin 35

This DK Coin is beside the 'O' from K-O-N-G, underneath the platform that is

just a bit left (before) the set of spikes that are right before the save


Black Ice Battle - Coin 36

Look for the 'N' from K-O-N-G, right below it, on a ledge, should be a

Kannonball. Take it to the point where the 'G' is, and head right, from here,

to the Kannon. Complete the bonus for the DK Coin.

Klobber Karnage - Coin 37

Go through the level, until you reach near the end. Take the Diddy barrel,

blast up and right to the next blast barrel, then head up and right again to

get to the bonus barrel. Complete once again, the bonus for the DK Coin.

Fiery Furnace - Coin 38

Take a look around the end area, just before the end-of-level target. The

bonus barrel is high in the air. Use a team-up throw, or another means, if

there is one ; ) to get to it.

Animal Antics - Coin 39

Right near the end of Squitter's part of the level, make a web platform the

can take you OVER the blast barrel at the end, then jump on it, and over the

wall to the right. The Coin is just past this wall.

Krocodile Kore - Coin 40

Beat K. Rool here, and the final (hopefully) DK Coin is yours.

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16y ago
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17y ago

You probably have to get them in levels.

You probably have to get them in levels.

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13y ago

It depends on what level you're on, if you specify, that could help.

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15y ago

you have to beat dk nes version in the arcade machine in frantic factory twice

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