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On the level of the vault with the tranquility loungers there is a room that is locked. Hack the computer next to the door, and enter the room. There is an assault rifle on a table and a holotape is laying on a table that contains overseers password. Take that to overseers office and you can enter. Not much to do in there though.

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Just keep walking past the room he's in and lock pick his door look in the locker for his password and go on his terminal

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Q: How do you get into the vault 112 overseer's office?
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Where is vault 112 in fallout 3?

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In game-Go to Vault 112 Real Life-Make one

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SPOILER: no he is in vault 112 in smith Casey garage

Where do you go yo get to vault 112?

Smith Casey's Garage. Walk inside and you will find a door in the foor. There will be a switch. Press A to activate it (Xbox 360). walk inside and keep going until you see the vault door to vault 112. Hope this helps!

Do you ever find your dad in fallout 3?

Yes, if you follow the main storyline you will finally meet him in vault 112.

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Overseers manage and supervise underlings.

How do you find your dad in fall out 3?

your dad is in vault 112. If you want to skip to the part where you meet your dad without doing any quests just go there when you come out of vault 101 and it skips all quests up to tranquility lane

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