Go to the ferry in Sunshine Shores and ride it to the Sandy Beach Island (carnival). Then click the arrows on the ground until you get there.
You can't. Sorry. The kooky spooky fun house is only available in September
It is open in october which is halloween.
The Fun House opens in October and runs through Halloween.
All you need to do is go to the map. Then un-zoom. Go down a bit and you'll see 'Sandy Bear Island.' Click there and just click on the 'Kooky Spooky Fun House.' - Nicole (xxkawaii)
You go into the spooky house, then there is the cat in behind the pattern of a bears head, Trace your mouse over it and a square saying "maze" should pop up! Have fun!
I think that you need 1. a build a bear and it opens on October 1
go on map and then click on the thing that has a minice sign on it and it will say plaza click on that and use the arwos and you will see it!
-meadow -kooky spooky fun house -maxine's cub condo (outside) -sunshine shores cave -skate park square
1)Go to the buildabearville map 2)click on the magnafying glass on the top of the map 3)go to the bottem of the map of sandy bear island 4)click on the purple spooky house 5)ENJOY!
well there is the sore fur all seosons erm the kooky spooky fun house the barn and em the piles of leafs to jump into hope it helps
go to the lumbear yard click on the bear paw and the first one is the kooky spooky room