you have to get all vidmaster achievements to get recon.
The Vidmaster Challenge is an Achievement that you have to unlock so you can get Recon Armor when Halo 3: ODST comes out.
There is no Halo 4, and will be none, however... I think you are referring to Halo 3: ODST. If that is the case, then you can acquire recon armor by completing all of the Vidmaster Challenges in both Halo 3, and Halo 3:ODST.
the recon helmet for halo 3 is unlocked by completing all of the vidmaster challenges in halo 3 and halo odst
No, you dont. You will have to do other, as of know unknown, achievements in Halo: ODST to get Recon armor.
To get the recon armor you have to complete all the vidmaster achievements in halo3 and halo3 odst.
you get all the vidmaster achievements on halo 3 and halo 3 odst
When HALO 3: ODST comes out, you can either complete all vidmaster achievements or you can HEX EDIT your profile to unlock all achievements. send me a film and I can mod it for you and Give you any armor you want including the flaming BUNGIE chest piece and RECON. [FOR SHOWS ONLY] BUNGIE armor film limit 10 -18 seconds and must be FILM not CLIP.
The vidmaster challenges are achievements put into halo 3 and halo 3 odst however they are worth earning for the prize that bungie announced in 2009, if you complete all 7 of the vidmaster challenges, you are invited to go to and claim the recon armor for free!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you want help with halo 3 odst vidmaster challenge endure msg me over xbox live my gamertag is: pmatq --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It has been renamed to Halo 3: ODST, it will be released on September 22, 2009 You will need to complete all the vidmaster challenges to receive the armor.
nope but you can hack or if you have a friend who works at Bungie he could give it to you. Also, you can now get Recon armor by completing all of the Vidmaster challenges in Halo 3 and Halo 3: ODST and then going to to unlock it.
Well There's the Recon Armor but you have to work for Bungie or Win it or Do all the Vidmaster Challenges but you Need XBOX LIVE. Then theres the Bungie Armor and Flaming Recon and Flaming Hayabusa Head Pieces But you have to work at Bungie.