You need to purchase a minecraft account(premium account) to play Minecraft on a server. This is due to the fact that even if you get your hands on a version of Minecraft without paying for it, why would they let you play multiplayer as well. It may be possible to start your own server and join it by hacking Minecraft, but this is Illegal.
Steal money from someone? But that is illegal. So other than that, you can learn to hack and then hack the Mojang servers which will take you a __LONG__ time. Even then it is illegal, and you will most likely be caught. I'd say the only legal was is to contact Mojang for a free copy if you make YouTube videos. Because if you make youtube videos on minecraft you are pretty much advertising for free for Mojang.
There was a time before where minecraft was free to download on the app store, but the free time has ended. If you want you can try jailbreaking your iphone, or if you are using andriod devices you can search this on Google "ζζΊζΈΈζ第δΈη«_ε½δΉη½" download the application, and then search for minecraft inside the application.
To get Minecraft for free, you need to download it on Xbox.
Yes but not the premium accounts. if you got a free premium account for free it is illegal.
You can't
U cant
No you don't have to be premium on Minecraft to play it you can play the free Classic version.
Yes, the Minecraft account is free, just not a premium one.
Team Extreme Minecraft Launcher is the key.
premium = paidfree = not paidif you are talking about seeing if your premium or free, it will let you on a server if your premium but if your free it will tell you.
Premium means that you bought Minecraft, not playing it for free. Some servers require premium status to play on.
No. You can't, legally.
You'd have to receive it as a gift from someone.
There is no LEGAL way to get a free premium Minecraft account. Please just buy it, it's worth the money it costs.