After your account has been deleted on stardoll unfortunately you cannot get it back. You will either have to make a new one or dont make a new one. Hope i helped. If you have any other problems on stardoll that you need help with write on my message board or contact me on stardoll as billiep707. << My account.
You can not get your deleted messages back once they are deleted from your phone inbox.
If your account was deleted on stardoll you can mail stardoll and tell them that your account was hacked/stolen. It might not have been, but tell them the username. They will mail you back asking for the e-mail. Give them the e-mail and tell them that someone hacked your account did all that bad stuff and it wasn'tyou and you just want your account back. You can find me on stardoll if you type in: skittle911 xoxo skittle911
how do i get back delted messages from how can i get back sended messages deleted from account...
Messages Deleted was created in 2009.
There is no Claire.Aine on stardoll...If there was then she/he must have deleted their account.
how can i find deleted messages on facebook
How u do you get messages back
It is quite easy and actually, it never will be deleted forever. You can log back on and it will still be an account: I hope I helped! I'm blackgege123 on Stardoll.
No, that's not true. Stardoll is still running perfectly fine.
You cannot get it back in any way. Once you deleted it from trash, it is lost forever. There is no way of bringing it back.
Umm.... you don't- stardoll is only connected WITH stardoll- it's not like an Email. you get messages from stardoll friends and stardoll admin- that's it. -Kiki7324
You cant unfortunatly :( Dont be afraid to add me: tommia123 if ur superstar buy some items from starbazzarr