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Wanna get your cat to become overgrown? Here's how:

1. First you have to feed, walk, stroke, get it to chase rats, and wait.

2. Once your kitten is a cat, just wait. And it will eventually grow into an overgrown cat.

3. And there's an overgrown cat. Make sure you feed it as a kitten. You can't feed it when its a cat, though.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Your cat will eventually become overgrown after allowing it to spend time following you. This happens automatically after having an adult cat for a pre-determined period of time.

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Q: How do you get an overgrown cat in RuneScape?
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This is part of the Evil Dave Recipe for Disaster Side-Quest, you go to his basement and you set your kitten/cat on the Hell Rats and after killing a few it will turn into a hell cat/kitten. P.S you cannot do this with Overgrown/lazy Cats.

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You do not name any of your pets, Cats would be Cat, Kitten, Wily Cat, Lazy Cat, Overgrown Cat, and all of the above after a certain quest (I don't know which one) could become Hell Cat, Hell Kitten, Wily Hell Cat, so on so forth.

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Kitten = Milk Cat = Fish (Raw or cooked) Overgrown = Don't Eat

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No, it cannot. There are simply two stages where the dog can be present, the puppy and the adult stage.

How do you get a cat on RuneScape?

You get a cat from the quest "Gertrude's Cat" and you can buy a cat after you complete it.

RuneScape where do you get a cat?

Cats are rewards from the "Gertrude's Cat" quest. ( Members )

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How do you change a kitten into a cat on runescape?

Time. Just wait, it'll turn into a cat.

Will a pet dog sit in a cat basket on runescape?

Nope, since it is strictly a "Cat Basket".

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Ut's just a thing runescape doesto make it sound reaistic.