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From my experience pregnant pigs show up on your own farm when you click on them it tells you they belong to one of your farmville friends this friend however has not played fv is ages. its a way of trying to get said friend into playing again.

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It has to be gifted to you

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Q: How do you get a pregnant lady pig on FarmVille?
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How do you get a pregnANt pig on FarmVille?

Pregnant sows just seem to show up on friends farms. That is when the person who the pig showed up on their farm post they have found your pig. If the pig is yours, you may claim it.

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What is a pregnant pig called?

There is no separate word for a pregnant pig. A female pig is called a sow, so a pregnant pig could be referred to as a "pregnant sow."

How do you get a pregnant sow on FarmVille?

someone has to send you one

Can a girl guinea pig get pregnant with a boy rabbit?

No the guinea pig will no get pregnant.

Is it ok to put a pregnant guinea pig with a non pregnant female guinea pig?

When I got my guinea pig, we didn't know she was pregnant, so about a month later, my sister got one that wasn't pregnant. It was a little less that a month after that that my guinea pig had 2 babies. During that time, though, Molly, the pregnant guinea pig, was acting very territorial, and Milly, the non pregnant guinea pig, was staying by herself and not having anything to do with Molly. So make sure that if you put a pregnant guinea pig with a non pregnant guinea pig, that the non pregnant guinea pig is a girl, or else there WILL be trouble.

How does a genia pig get pregnant without a male?

a guinea pig can not get pregnant without a male.

How long is a giunea pig pregnant for?

a guinea pig is pregnant from 9 to 10 weeks

Can a pregnant guinea pig live with a non pregnant guinea pig?

Only the guinea pig she mated with but be sure to separate them after birth

Can a boy guinea pig get another boy guinea pig pregnant?

No, only girls get pregnant :)

What to do if a cat bite a pregnant lady?

Then the pregnant lady is bitten.

What do you get from a pig in Farmville?

Truffles and when you harvest them (every 2 days) they give you 30 farm coins.