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OK here is how to have cog suit in a playground if you go into sbhq (sellbot HQ) and go to vp waiting room with a friend, go in the elevator with your friend when you are in and it shows you in quickly press ctrl, alt and delete at the same time and click task manager (if it doesn't do it for you) than click toontown and press end program and log back in than tp (teleport) to your friend and you should have cog suit in playground you can't see it but other ppl (people) can. I haven't tried this yet but I looked it up but i was being for specific in this. TY (thank you) for looking at my answer. My toon's name is Mousy Mac if you see me tp to me and than say a comment about my answer or me and I'll say thx (thanks) or ty and I'll ask to be your friend.

( your friend MUST be a payed member )
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13y ago
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13y ago

i have no idea that is the samething im trying to figure out and if anyone wants to meet me on toontown then my name is sheriff mike a dark blue mouse that's a member and has cargo pants on red or brown and ill have a red flippy shirt and im usally on boingy acres {district} {the very top district}

and if you see me say hmm or welcome to toontown bye!

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14y ago

To get a Cog disguise you have to..


Beat the Factory Foreman (at the end of the Sellbot Factory in Sellbot HQ) 10 times.


Finish the ToonTasks in all neighborhoods.


Finish the ToonTasks in all neighborhoods.


Finish the ToonTasks in all neighborhoods.

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13y ago

The toontown game does not enable you to do that.

Actually, the toontown game isn't supposed to allow it, but it does. It's not hacking as some people assume it is. There isn't any outside program involved. It's just doing things in the Toontown program that create this sort of glitch. It doesn't hurt anything or anyone, it's just fun as can be to do. Through some various movements through your 'estate' and then at a cog hq, best doing it with friends so everyone is OK that you're doing this, then you then have a giant cool-looking 'cog suit' to wander around in. It's actually hilarious!

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13y ago

say u wanted do vp. if so u must fight sellbots until your merits fill up. once that has happened go defeat the VP. you will get a higher level and get an SOS toon in toontown vp

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13y ago

Defeat Cashbots. This will only work if you have your Cashbot suit. To get your suit you must complete the Donald's Dreamland tasks.

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12y ago

Only One way! Using hacking programs to make your toon in a cog suit, but unfortunately you will get banned for life, sadly.

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Q: How do you get a cog disguise on toontown?
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How do you get a bassbot cog disguise in toontown?

There is no such thing as a bassbot disguise in toontown. There is a bossbot disguise, however. To get a bossbot disguise, finish all the toontasks up to DDL. The last few tasks of DDL gives u the bossbot disguise.

HOW TO be a cog on toontown?

To become a Cog, you will need a Cog disguise! You can earn your first disguise by defeating 10 factory foremens in Sellbot Headquarters. The next three are obtained by completing some tasks after/during Donald's Dreamland.

What is the fastest way to become a cog on toontown?

Currently, there is no possible way to become a cog on toontown. You can only wear a cog disguise. To get your Sellbot disguise, you have to go through the factory 10 times. To get your Cashbot Disguise, you have to do tasks in Donald's Dreamland. To get your Lawbot Disguise, you have to do task in The Brrgh. To get your Bossbot Disguise, you have to destroy every Bossbot cog, starting from Flunky, and working to Big Cheese, then destroy some v 2.0 cogs, then Flippy gives you the last piece. Hope all this stuff Helps! ;)

On toontown which cog holds the goldfish receipt?

any cog in toontown central

Do you have to become a member to become a cog in toontown?

No matter what you cant be a cog on toontown! Why would the makers of toontown do that?

Who invented the cog not on toontown?

Cog11 invented the cog

Where is cog building in toontown that you can get into if you are not a member?

in toontown central

How do you make a cog on toontown?

You cannot make a cog but you can be a cog. To be a cog all you need to do if go to a HQ. I would go to Sellbot HQ first because that is the easiest place to start out. You have to go to the the Sellbot Factory and then go in the elevator a lot of times to finish you Sellbot Cog Disguise. Hope this helps.

Is their a new cog HQ in toontown?

There are only 4 Cog Headquarters in ToonTown. Sellbot, Bossbot, Cashbot, and Lawbot.

Which is the weakest cog on toontown?

A Flunky. This is a Bossbot Cog. Flunkys are the easiest because they are in your Toon-torial and Toontown wanted to show you an easy start with the weakest Cog.

How do you become a cog in toontown easy?

A. Hack.. B. Get a cog suit

What is a 2.0 version cog in toontown?

A 2.0 version cog is a cog that when you destroy it, it will turn into a skelecog.