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Trough exploration,or as a reward for a mission.But you can also make it yourself.

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Q: How do you get Proof o Demon Suppression in Pockie Ninja?
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No it is not. There is no proof whatsoever that anyone has ever actually seen a ghost or demon - just rumor and tall tales.

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The Golden Ninja, was a mysterious rumor spreaded around in the early 2013 series. It revealed that only the Golden ninja can defeat the Overlord and return everything back to normal. There are 3 peices of proof that LLOYD is the Golden Ninja, and the results are shown in The episode season finale "Rise of the Ultimate Spinjitsu Master". The first piece of proof was that in the episode "The Last Voyage that Lloyd would ride the Golden Dragon. As you Know The Golden Ninja rides the Golden Dragon in the unreleased 2013 sets. The second piece was that in the comercial right after the episode "Return of the Overlord" it showed a picture of Lloyd in the Golden ninja suit saying "This...Ends....NOW!" The last piece is that if you look at Lloyd's KX (Kimino Xtreme ) suit, then back at the Golden Ninja suit, you might notice that they have the EXACT same green belts. In episode Rise of the Ultimate Spinjitsu Master It reveals that Lloyd is the Golden Ninja. Overall Lloyd is The Golden Ninja.

You found out that Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 doesn't work for the U.S PS2 is this true?

no...........................................................................................................naruto ultimate ninja 3 does work for the us ps2 i have proof you can go to now and you will see it is for the us ps2 and it will show you the release or it date for it to.

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Naruto Shippuden already came out as proof i got Naruto Shippuden Clash of Ninja Revilution 3 they also have many others google it

Is the fourth Hokage on Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 in english.?

The fourth hokage is in the game because if you go to go to fans and read all the questions you'll find the proof there

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You can file a written motion for an evidence suppression hearing. You can also orally object or request a sidebar (request to approach the judge) to the use of evidence if you have solid proof that it was obtained illegally or would be generally inadmissible in a trial.

Can a incubus demon be good?

In mythology, there are stories about demons who meet a saintly being and become good. So if you are asking whether a demon could become an angel, in myth, it is possible. But in real life, this is another matter entirely, since there is no proof that demons or angels exist. Yes, many people do believe in them, but these are "beliefs"-- they cannot be proved nor can they be independently verified. Thus, since an incubus demon does not really exist (except in fiction and mythology), it cannot be good, nor can it be bad. It can only be whatever the story about it says.

What will happen if a ninja dies in ninja warz?

He will be unable to battle until the next round. The term "Deaths" on the profile page actually refers to the number of times someone battled your clan until the got the "Let's leave them alone for a while" message (5 total defeats [of the target clan] in a certain ammount of time. My estimate is 4 hours, but solid proof is not at my disposal). The only ways to lose ninjas in Ninja Warz is to either dismiss them, or reset your game's progress (useful in case you wanted a fresh start or to chose a different clan)