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First you have to get the reed pipe and learn the song from the statue of the lady with the pipe in Apollo's museum thing. Then, you have to pass to the underworld by jumping and ducking and moving from the stalactites, skulls and crocodiles. Then, when you get to Cerberus, play the song you learned, and he'll fall to sleep. Click on his muzzle and you'll get the hair.

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go to the sewer and defeat them.

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Q: How do you get Cerberus hair Poptropica?
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Who is Cerberus in Poptropica?

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In poptropica how do you get a hair from cebris?

you get a flute from Apollos museum and click the music statue and play it for Cerberus

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You play a song on a flute that puts Cerberus to sleep.

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In the Underworld after crossing the river of dead.

How do you deafeat Cerberus on poptropica?

Play the song one of the Muses gave you on your reed pipe. This will make Cerberus fall asleep and you can get its whiskers.

How do you get Cerberus's whisker in poptropica?

You play him the song you learned earlier on the reed pipe.

How many times do you play the tune for cerberus on poptropica?

You play the tune once.

How do you get past Cerberus in poptropica?

Play the tune the lady with the reed pipe gave you.

What to do with a reed pipe on poptropica?

Use it to get into the Minotaur's lair as well as to put Cerberus to sleep.

What song do you play to get Cerberus to sleep on mythology island on poptropica?

the colors are: blue-green-yellow-blue-red-green.this will put cerberus to sleep so you can get the whisker.

Where is the dog Cerberus located in Poptropica on Mythology Island?

Cerberus is in the underworld. You get to him by going on the boat ride across the river. But you have to watch out because if you fall in you have to start all over again.

What are the colors of the reed pipe in Poptropica to get Cerberus to sleep?

blue, green, yellow, blue, red, green