If you wish to get "9999999999 tix" on Roblox, you could buy ROBUX and converted it to tickets, sell clothing but you need to be bc , or have people visit your place. You get 1 tix every time when user come to your places. Get 999999999999 tix is go be very very very hard. Try your best and create a good place not bad one like use uncopylock games and put free model in your game.
You cannot sell tickets in Roblox, you can only earn, spend them or trade them for Robux.
It is something that will let you change your tickets on roblox but the limit is 100 tickets per day
Sorry, but there is no way to get 'free' tickets on Roblox. You do get 10 tickets when you log on every day, but I don't think that's what you're asking about.
There is no limit to the amount of Tickets that any user on Roblox can hold at once.
help me
You get 15 tickets on Roblox every day just for logging in. Be patient.
999 + 9999999999 + 9999999999 + 8888888 = 20,008,889,885
You don't "pick up" tickets in Roblox. Tickets can only be obtained on the website. Any places that would have you "picking up tickets" are fake.
10 tickets are in a robux by :robloxteam@roblox.com
The answer is 99'999'999'980'000'000'001.