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The store you bought your refrigerator from may have a repair service you can call. You can also check to see if you have a warranty on your fridge, either through the store or the manufacturer.

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Q: How do you fulfill platinum and gold wants for your sim in Sims 2 on ps2?
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How do you unlock next location while at bio dome in sims 2 ps2?

You have to fulfill all of Noel's wants. Switch to him and fulfill what he wants. You have to do his gold and platinum wants and get him into platinum mood. :) repeat this to diffrent sims as you move to locations p.s.if you die some times it will change your golden platinum wants and give you more treasure thingies oh but at the bottom of the golden platinum wants DONT DO THOES they take away you wants

How do you beat the Sims 2 PS2?

you fulfill your sim's wants. when you have completed alot of normal wants you need to fulfill gold and platinum wants. then eventually you will unlock a new location. i think there are around 19 locations. you just keep giving those sims what they want and keep them happy!!!!

On sims 2 for gamecube in story mode how do you help the sims in other locations?

Click on the payphone and choose a location. Once you're there switch to the sims that have gold wants, and fulfill those wants.

How can you get gold wants on the sims 2 for PC?

well all u do is just try doing all ur other wants and randomly u might get a gold or platinum want.

How do you fulfill Hugh on my sims kingdom ds?

To fulfill hugh, simply achieve a gold+hard mode of the ghost minigame and hook him up with johnny

Did the band XTC have any gold or platinum albums?

they have gold but not platinum

Is platinum more rare then gold?

Yes, platinum is rarer than gold.

Does Platinum occur with Gold ore?

Yes, platinum can occur with gold ore in some deposits. These are known as platinum-rich gold deposits and typically contain both gold and platinum group elements. These deposits are rarer than typical gold deposits.

Which is more valuable gold or platinum?


When you are in gymnastics what is after gold?

after gold is platinum

Which is more reactive gold or platinum?

Platinum is more reactive than gold. Platinum reacts with certain substances like oxygen and sulfur under specific conditions, while gold is known for its inertness and resistance to corrosion.

What ways more platinum or gold?

Platinum is usually 1/3 heavier than 18 karat gold and also is more expensive than gold.