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Hello I am Grant a secret agent clank fan and a ratchet and clank fan and i am going to answer the question of how do you find the secret agent clank treehouse

First of all you don't find it you unlock it

you unlock it by completing the game once and then replaying the game in chalange mode

in chalange mode you get a new gadget i am not sure what the gadget is called but it is a pair of glasses you will be given the glasses for free in the boltar museum [the first level of the game] you get them in a suit case when you are about to enter the museum. you now have the glasses. You might be thinking what is glasses got to do with the treehouse? well the glasses allow you to see secret codes hidden about the game the codes are blue and you zoom in to the codes to read them. you get thes codes in every level that you are clank you must collect all the codes once you do you will unlok the treehouse you can travle to the treehouse by going to your agancy case files then you go to speshil missions and at the bottom will be the treehouse press X and you will fly to the treehouse. finding all the codes is hard but it is worth it. you get lots of cool stuf in the treehouse. i hope i have helped you sorry for the spelling errors and GOOD LUCK

posted by Grant

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once you beat the game you get the sunglasses. with the sun glasses you have to look around every level with them. when you see a bright glowing symbal then go up to it and press O. you have to find all the symbals and once you do it will say you can now enter the HIG treehouse. you can find it in the special missions.

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