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from level 1 to level 15, usually at level 15, last time I dug for 5 minutes at level 15, and I found diamonds. diamonds don't spawn usually near lava, it's just that both spawn usually in the same level.

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11y ago

It may take quite bit of time, but go below y-16 and keep mining until you find any.

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Q: How do you find diamonds on minecraft PC?
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How many blocks do I go down on pc to go to find diamonds in minecraft?

You can go down how ever many blocks you want to find diamonds on Minecraft. Minecaft is a well known game.

Minecraft xbox 360 how to find diamonds?

There are videos available on YOutube from where you can learn how to find diamonds.

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Do diamonds spawn close to redstone in Minecraft?

Yes, I tend to find diamonds near redstone

How do you get diamouds on Minecraft?

I find diamonds by mining at bedrock level.

Can you find amethyst in Minecraft?

No, the only gems in Minecraft as of Beta 1.7.2 are Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli.

Where are the diamonds in Minecraft?

Usually im guessing under the Y coordinate 15, you'll find diamonds there.

What is the best strategy to find diamonds in minecraft?

mining at about level 14

What is more valuable diamonds or rubies?

i think its diamonds!(like in minecraft)

Can you get diamonds in classic Minecraft?

In classic Minecraft (versions prior to Beta 1.3), diamonds were not available. Diamonds were introduced in Beta 1.3, which was released in August 2011. Prior to that update, players did not have access to diamonds, and the game's resources were more limited. If you are playing a version of Minecraft that is Beta 1.3 or later, you can find diamonds deep underground and mine them with an iron or diamond pickaxe.

What is the best layer of a Minecraft world to find diamonds?

Layer 13 or 11

Can you craft diamonds in minecraft?

Yes, you can craft diamonds in Minecraft. To do this, simply place a diamond block on a crafting grid. This will yield nine diamonds. Similarly, you can place nine diamonds on the crafting table, which yields a diamond block. Other than this, there is no other way you can craft diamonds.Note: Diamond blocks are not naturally found in a Minecraft world.Consequently, you need to find diamonds to craft the diamond block to craftthe diamonds.