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Build 2-3 universities (at least), and about 3 temples (or more) and immediately research the imperial techs so you can collect the power *think tanks*.

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Q: How do you evolve fast in empire earth?
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There is not really a easiest pokemon to evolve...but bug type pokemon evolve really fast

When did Empire Earth happen?

Empire Earth happened in 2001.

Is there empire earth on ps2?

Empire Earth is a PC only game.

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always have it with you and always battle with it.

When did Empire Earth II happen?

Empire Earth II happened in 2005.

When did Empire Earth III happen?

Empire Earth III happened in 2007.

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Empire Earth Mobile happened in 2005.

When was Empire Earth created?

Empire Earth was created on 2001-11-12.

What does the Empire Earth II CD Keys?

Empire Earth Gold