I know some codes. Pixel Chix Mini Golf Code-heart,circle,star,smile,music note Monsterbaby(game) smile,heart,smile Movie maker(to get more)-60,77,39,28,12,92
it is a little electronic toy that you can buy and connect to play together go to pixelchix.com to learn more.
Well, I have 3 Pixel Chix, Roomies, Car and Babysitter. These ones to get tiring because once you've unlocked you're codes and bought everything which is very fast and easy it gets quite boring. Otherwise, with ones like the Mall would be more fun as that's longer and more continuos with much more to buy for your shop like, food, hairstyles, pets, clothes and other supplies. I wouldn't recommend the car, that has a big limitation, it is very boring. You cannot unlock anything or get any money, you just press the buttons (only 4!) and watch what she does. I'd recommend ones where you can unlock things and are able to earn money.
you can get a job, or save money from birthdays or holidays
The United Parcel Service diesel mechanic is $38,000. The more time on the job, the more money they will earn.
To Earn more Money.
Yes you can if you can save and earn more money.
Entrepreneurs earn money by selling goods and services to businesses and consumers. The fewer costs they have the more money they make.
If you win a lot of races, you will earn more money.
Just play games and earn money!