You can not download a moving van.
I have no flippin idea
If you are trying to move from Animal crossing :wild world on ds to Animal Crossing: City Folk or Lets Go To The City, thenenter your animal crossing :WW into your ds and click ds download, then on AC:CF or LGTTC click that you want to move over from your ds when you start a new character, the moving van will then come upm on your nintendo. Hope this helps.
You can't,if you move I think it just gets put to where you move.:) ~animalcrossingwiz:)
Go to the town gate and talk to Copper. I'm pretty sure you say "I wanna go out" and click the option that has "DS" in it. By the way, if you do this, you will lose your wii game. Copper tells you more than I can about this but I hope it helps.
low slong units (lowboy) car carrier moving van possum-belly livestock trailer
A moving van.
Its still a van, as a truck is a truck
no you just need to click on the sign at the bus stop
"Some moving van companies in Wyoming are Hercules Moving System, Booska Worldwide Mover and Transnational Moving Services. There are many more moving companies that you can use but these are my favorites."
One can rent a moving van from a number of different places. One place is Avalon. They are able to deliver the van straight to you, and are not too expensive.
One can rent a moving van from Ryder for rates from $40 to $70 per day, depending on what type of van one wants. One can also rent a moving van from U-Haul for about $20 per day in addition to $0.59 per mile.