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All you have to do is sign in to you're Psn account on and go to you're settings and select the disable's comment option then click on update web privacy.

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Q: How do you disable comments on lbp2?
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Go to video manager. Click the video that u want the comments to be blocked on. Scroll down and click the disable comments. Tada

How do I disable comments on my youtube videos?

If you ain't likin' any of yo' comments, just click the "x" button on a comment and they'll be sure deleted'.

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How can you write comments or disable a section of code by commenting it out?

I think you put parentheses around the code you want to hide.

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It was released in 2011.

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you just ask them out man

Is Littlebigplanet compatible with Littlebigplanet 2?

Yes and no... You can use all your LBP1 items, materials, stickers etc. and import those into LBP2. But if you only own LBP1 you cannot play any community levels that were created with LBP2 or join friends in LBP2 create mode.

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Do blogs have to be interactive?

Most blogs are, but you don't have to. There is usually an option to disable comments, and you can also make your blog private.

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Click the right analog stick (R3)