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Q: How do you describe the straight punch?
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you just punch it in

Are members of Five Finger Death Punch gay?

No. All straight

How do you tell a friend you hate her without getting into an argument?

You tell her and then straight after you punch her unconcious.

Descrribe the straight punch in karate?

It is called a Choku tsuki. (T is silent, of course.)

What can you do if the dentist breaks your teeth?

you punch the dentist straight in his teeth and break his(: yeah you do. aaha.

What is punch?

Punch is the term mainly used in Boxing. Basically there are 4 kinds of punches in boxing jab, straight right or left hand, hook and uppercut.

How do you punch the bags really hard to get to the gym leader?

just go straight up to them push them

How do you hurt your sister that does ballet?

Get her to lie on her back then lift one of her legs until straight and then punch her in the back of the thigh! Either that or a punch to the back of the neck should do it. My god you people are cruel!

Describe the graph of a linear equation?

It is a straight line.

What is the geometric term that would describe a ruler?

A straight edge

What is straight and gay?

those are words to describe sexual orientations.