you don't need to just put it in the crocs bowl the bowl is next to the late
help the robot guys out of the swamp they will fix the microwave then you have to go to the UNKNOWN ZONE and find the nuclear frog.Drag the frog to the microwave and put the oobla doobla in. cook for approximately 1:10:25
Just go on moshi monsters and play part 3 of the new moshi mission called (Clover the rainbow) you will need to be a member to finish it but you can still play it up to part 3 withought having to turn yourself into a member...
Pick up the vine that is next to Big Bad Bill and tie it to Sprocket and Hubbs, after that tie some Oobla Doobla to the vine then click the chime to call for Dundee. Finally to get Sprocket and Hubbs out, you have to play a quick game call crank the croc.
Get the recipe book by completing the Hoodoo Pongoo challenge and then track down all the ingredients for Gordon Ranty's recipe for Hot Hoodoo Stew. You'll need Fried Oobla Doobla, Creepy Crawlies, Coconut Shells, and more!
The first EPIC is located in the dark cave when you go to hunt for "creepy crawlies" in the jungle. Use the lantern Chief Bill gave you so you can see the EPIC at the bottom left part of the cave. The creepy crawlies are the third ingredient on the list. Do not mistake them for the first. - The second EPIC should be left on Dundee's food dish after you feed her the Fried Oobla Doobla and save Sprockett and Hubbs. - The third EPIC should be spat out of the cauldron after you put in the fried Oobla Doobla, then the coconut, and then the creepy crawlies. The purple bananas should be put in after the EPIC is collected.
1st epic: when your collecting the bugs in the dark area put the lantern and in the bottom left you will see something thats an epic 2nd epic: Feed clive the crocodile some fried oobla doobla. 3rd epic: when your making the stew put everything EXACTLY in the order it tells you and when you put the bugs the third epic should pop out of the stew hope this helps
1: Check the cave behind a bush in the Unknown Zone. 2: In the Snaggletooth Swam, feed Dundee the croc a piece of fried Oobla Doobla. It MUST be fried. 3: The ingredients for Hot Hoodoo Stew must be placed in the correct order on the first attempt.
1: Check the cave behind a bush in the Unknown Zone. 2: In the Snaggletooth Swam, feed Dundee the croc a piece of fried Oobla Doobla. It MUST be fried. 3: The ingredients for Hot Hoodoo Stew must be placed in the correct order on the first attempt.
chemical oobla
Here are some Moshi Monsters food codes that worked as of April 2013. Note: Codes may only be available for a limited time and may have expired. Most codes are one use only, so if you have already used the code, it probably won't work if you try to use it again. Bangers & MashIGGYCHOMPZBangers and MashMASH4BarfmallowsBARF8Bleergshey's Finest ChocolatesBLEERG33Bongo ColadaSIPITALLUPCarton of Sour MilkMOULDYMOOChocolate Coated brocolliCHOCBROCChocolate Coated brocolliCHOCOLATEChocolate coated broccoliCHOCOPARTYChocolate Shrimp CookiesCROC2345Essence of BlueSANDY2Essence of BlueSERENEEye Pie3y3pyGlump Cake - CucumberTASTY455Glump Cake - MintHOP45Glump Cake - SweetcornTENT88Gooey Green Beanstalk BeansBEANSGreenCUBE8GreenLUCKYHalloween Brain Bon BonsBR4NJelly Baked BeansSWEETSMice CrispiesMICE9Mystery CauldronMYST3RYOrible Orange Crab CupcakeCRABBYPop RoxPOPRXQuenut Butter SandwichROBOTRoast BeastPIT45Slime RickeySLURPYSlopSLOPPARTYSlop CornSLOPPYCORNSludge FudgeSIT49Slug Slurp SlushieSLURP3Snowball - SundaeSPLAT98Spider LollySPDERSunshine BerriesTAP46Swirlberry MuffinSWIRL6Swirlberry MuffinSWIRLYTalcum ChowderSOUP88Toad SodaPOD49Toad SodaTOADYSODAYucky Yellow Oobla DooblaOOBLAYo-Ho-Cocoa CoinsYOHOCHOC
Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Deep in the jungle, friends kept disappearing Sent out a search party, they found a clearing There stood a Moshling all woolly and blue Stirring a cauldron of hot Hoodoo Stew Singing~ Lotions and Potions and Hexes and Spells Strange Creepy Crawlies and Sweet Jungle Smells Fried Oobla-Doobla in Coconut Shells Purple Bananas and Moonlit Gazelles Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack! Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack! Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack! Don't look now, but I think I heard a twig crack! Wiping his fur due to great jungle heat, Bill started pounding a fierce tom tom beat Putting the limbo bar lower and lower Accompanied by rumblings from Mount Krakka Blowa Big Bad Bill, he's-a gonna throw a party Big Bad Bill, he's-a gonna throw a party Big Bad Bill, he's-a gonna throw a party Lotions and Potions, and Hexes and Spells. Strange Creepy Crawlies and Sweet Jungle Smells Fried Oobla-Doobla in Coconut Shells Purple Bananas and Moonlit Gazelles 'DRUMS! Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa Gombala Gombala wallawalla hoohaa Went to a hut, met the Chief of the tribe He said: "Do you dig this hip jungle vibe?" "Well then there's just one more thing I'd prescribe" "Make like a Hoodoo and then give me FIVE" Singing~ Lotions and Potions, and Hexes and Spells. Strange Creepy Crawlies and Sweet Jungle Smells Is this a dream or a strange kinda voodoo? Partying hard with a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo Big Bad Bill is a Woolly Blue Hoodoo
newtest3 Lets see... furiously irately, lividly.... Check a theosorus for more words!And remember... Oobla knows all!