You can't... it's impossible.
You can control where a sentry shoots it's rockets when it's level 3 if you're using the Secondary weapon "Wrangler"
The tilde "`" key but first you have to turn the console on in options. This option is not available to F2P Players
open up the console and type: setinfo name "My Name"
Technically, no, not officially. There are skins that you can download to change the Rocket Launcher and/or the Greande Launcher.
dont do anything XD otherwise, make a explode button (type: bind / explode) into the console now when you press the / button,you will explode!
While running, look directly down and fire and jump at the same time. If you crouch jump your rocket jump with be much higher.
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
No, TF2 is not playable on a phone
TF2 is free-to-play
No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
The market gardener gives guaranteed critical hits while rocket jumping, at the expense of no random criticals on land, and slower hit speed
The heavy's name in TF2 is Dimitri Stanlevkov.
Try lowering your graphics settings.