No sorry,The lg Optimus is not able to run minecraft pocket edition.I know the Lg connect is.
Yeah, Minecraft: Pocket Edition is part of the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft. Both Android and IOS devices are able to connect on Minecraft.
Yes there is signs in Minecraft Pocket edition
you cant have a minecraft pocket edition username
No, they are no enderman in Pocket Edition of Minecraft 0.8.1
When would Minecraft Pocket Edition 12.1 going to be out
Yes, there are villages in the updated Minecraft Pocket Edition.
As of Pocket Edition 0.3.0, cows have been part of Minecraft Pocket Edition. If you have that version or above, then there should be cows.
Minecraft Pocket Edition costs $6.99 in the Google Playstore or the Appstore.
You can not get minecarts on minecraft pocket edition. Also, minecarts are not planned for the next update.
In the minecraft pocket edition you cant get seed because in the computer version you get seeds from tall grass and there is no tall grass in the minecraft pocket edition