When Colonol Hollands was leaving in his ship, Emile was supposed to gun down any ship that opposed them in a MAC rounds cannon. A phantom drops some elites on him and he's killed. Noble six, you, takes his place instead of leaving with holand. After Holand leavs Reach, you are all alone on the Covanent infested planet. You hold off in the mission Lone Wolf. You die when six Ultras gang up on you and send an energy sword into your heart. Your helmet, with a shot through the visor, is all that remains of Noble Six...
no halo "campaign" is a single player game
The fastest way to rank up is to boost in campaign. Search "halo reach campaign boosting" on youtube =)
you already are when you are in campaign
Complete Campaign
You get the Halo 3 ODST campaign and Halo 3 multiplayer. Nothing else.
kick them if your the host
The Halo: Reach BETA is only available on the Xbox360 through your Halo 3:ODST campaign disk.
You need the Halo 3:ODST campaign disk.
As you progress in the Halo Reach campaign, the background changes. You can't change it though, that's the problem.
Halo Reach has the words "Bastard" and "Bitch." Nothing else from what I have heard through the entire campaign.