"u cant you have to start a new save"
The stupidity of the people on this site never ceases to amaze me.
The correct answer to your question is to go into the command console in-game with the tilde (~) key, click on the character you want to change with the mouse pointer (might take a few tries to select the character, the console pointer can be kind of finicky) and enter "Setrace [race you want]". A few examples would be "setrace argonian" or "setrace woodelf". However, its a bit glitchy. If you change an imperial to a khajiit, for example, they will have fur and a tail, but their heads will stay human, except with a disembodied set of khajiit teeth floating in front of them.
EDIT: Actually, you can change an imperial to a khajiit correctly by doing this: Change the NPC to an Argonian first, and then change them to a khajiit. The face correctly renders. I'm not sure why that is, but it worked for me. As for other race conversions, you'll just have to go by trial and error.
Hope that helped.
Well, darling, in Skyrim, you can't exactly change an NPC's race like it's a quick costume change. The race of an NPC is set in the game's code, so unless you're a coding whiz, you're stuck with what the developers gave you. But hey, maybe try some mods if you're feeling adventurous - just be prepared for things to get a little wild in Tamriel.
The Code is showracemenu. Enter that on the console and you can change the appearance and everything.
WARNING: Your stats will be reset so either build them up or to fix:
Modpca (Attribute) # = Pimp up the attribute, # adds to what it is already.
Modpca (Skill) # = Skills.
Also, I'm unsure of the effects of changing race, but so far it's been working well.
Be careful though, there might be a few bugs, especially in Boethia's tournament.
The only thing you can change on your face in skyrim is... EVERYTHING. you cant change gender, weight, or race. but you can change scars, hair, color, and paint.
The Khajiit are not native to Skyrim, and therefore do not have a formal settlement. They can be found in cities as traders or other NPC's but there is no settlement for them.
Yes, lots. Most of it is during combat and quest(s) from NPC.
Just like children and other NPC's You cant kill it but if you hurt it you will gain a bounty
Not in vanilla Skyrim, but with the Succubus Race mod, yes.
Unfortunately, once the player has chosen and confirmed their race, name, etc. it can't be changed on any console except for the PC.
The only way to do this is if you have it for PC using console commands. Even using console commands to change your wife/husband you will mess up the game.
Yes! No matter what your race, you can get married
at night go to there houses but when they spot they will wake up and tell you to leave or they will call the guards unless they know you or you did a favor for them
Killing Gerdur shouldn't be too hard and if you did shouldn't be too much of a overall problem. She is not realy a important NPC in the game.
I don't think you can on Xbox 360, It might be possible with a load of hacking through your computer or something.
No, there are no vampires, either as a Playable race/cast or as an NPC.