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Just change the phrase by typing in different words Example: "Encyclopedia Knowledge".

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Q: How do you change the 'in' phrase in emerald?
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Where do you edit the phrase to get feebas in emerald?

the person's saying lol ^^

What is the questionnaire phrase for Pokemon emerald?

The phrase is "LINK TOGETHER WITH ALL", then you will be able to activate the mystery gift (:

What is the phrase you say to the sick person on Pokemon emerald?

The phrase varies from game to game. There is a generator on this site ( and that will generate your Trainer Card ID # into your saying.

Where to find feebas in Pokemon Emerald?

on route 119 there is a fisherman when you battle him he will have the feebas you can catch them right in front of where he is fishing unless you changed the catchy phrase in dewford town then its position will change

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you cant

In Pokemon emerald are the six spots where you catch feebas together?

no they are random. since you already know there are only six I'm assuming you also know that they change with the phrase you enter at Dewford town.

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you can't

Where do you find feebas in Pokemon Emerald?

Answer:Feebas is found only in 6 tiles in the river by fishing on Route 119. The fishing spots Feebas is found in are randomly generated. They randomly change whenever the trendy phrase in Dewford Town changes (which can change on its own!)

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In the GameBoy Advance game Pokemon: Emerald, there is a side quest in which you must offer a funny phrase to a man in Rastoboro City. There is no actual phrase. You can, however enter a generated code that is based on your Trainer ID and the reward that you want.

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Yeah what about it? God, phrase a question properly or else you are SUCH a kindergarten child!

How do you change your avatar on Pokemon emerald?

You cant,But if you want to change gender restart the game