Your character's name can only be changed at the start pf the game. Barret meets you at the train and asks you what your name is. Once a name is entered, it cannot be changed. The default name is "Cloud."
Final Fantasy 10, 10-2 and 12 were for the PS2.
There are no cheats for final fantasy 12.
no final fantasy was only released for PS2
Final Fantasy 1 wasn't rereleased on the PS2, it was however rereleased on the PS1, I'd suggest eBay or Amazon.
Final Fantasy X was released for the PS2 in North America on December 20, 2001.
You are miss reading the roman numerals in the title of the game The collector's edition is for final fantasy XII or 12 and not Final Fantasy 7 Dirge of Cerberus which is a PS2 game from August 15, 2006
Final Fantasy VII was originally released for the PlayStation and PC. Currently, it can be found on the PlayStation Network and the spin-off game Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus is on the PS2. Regardless, any PlayStation game can be played on a PS2, but requires a playstation memory card.
Depends on how you define "best". Best story=Final Fantasy X. Best graphics=Final Fantasy XII. Best gameplay=Final Fantasy X-2
No it is a PS2 game
It is rated T