Furniture can be found in many of the main towns in Fable 2. Just look for a symbol on a sign sticking from the outer wall of a house, it will have the sybol of a chair on it. There is a furniture shop in Bowerstone market (when you enter, cross the bridge to where the towns clock is and the blacksmith place is....its to your right when you get there it just looks like someones house) theres also one in Bloodstone, towards the top of the town.
you cannot buy doors you can only buy interior furniture, give it some time and the door will respawn, i think
clothes or furniture
You get 5 star furniture in Fable 2 by either going to the Bowerstone Market furniture store or Bloodstone furniture store. Bowerstone's Furniture is most likely to have the 5 star furniture. Most of the pieces that a 5 star will have the word "luxury" in the front of the piece's name.
You can swap it for other furniture but I don't think you can get rid of it.
You can't
I personally think you sould buy Fable 2. Not Fable 3, because in Fable 3, when you turn evil; your weapon changes. But in Fable 2, you grow horns; or if you're good, you grow a halo. :)
No man SORRY. ONLY Fable 1. Fable 2 Is 360 ONLY. Go buy a 360 for 199.99 at walmart
from the produce stalls
No, you have to buy the limited edition for Fable 2.
There is no fable 2 expansion pack yet, besides the knothole content which is downloadable on xbox-live.
No, but it's still fun :P