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breed a good and great chocobo with a carob nut, do this twice to get a blue and green, breed these two with a carob nut to get a black chocobo, breed this chocobo with a wonderful chocobo (icicle inn area) to get a gold chocobo

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12y ago

The Blue Chocobo can cross Shallow water areas, rivers, grassy areas, sand and marshes.

You will need a Great Yellow chocobo (male) and a Good Yellow chocobo (Female). A carob nut is needed also, which can be stolen from a Vlakorados which can be found just South of Bone Village.

To increase success rate of breeding, the chosen male and female chocobos should be raced at the Gold Saucer. Also to improve the chocobo it should be fed greens bought from either the Chocobo Sage or Chocobo Billy.

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Q: How do you breed river chocobos in FF7?
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