In the virtual world of OurWorld, you cannot directly boot people out of your condo. However, you can control who has access to your condo by setting the privacy settings to "Invite Only" or by removing specific individuals from your friends list. Additionally, you can report any inappropriate behavior to the OurWorld support team for further action.
Because they are retarded. People do bad things on the partys. And because of the partys I got kicked off of there. I officialy hate!
they drink wodka
700,008,995 700,008,995
Elite? No one is elite, except for the administrators of Ourworld. Though some people do put elite in their usernames. Ex: OW Elite Kandi.
You Cant Make Out on ourworld .
No, at this time there is not an OurWorld 2.
she's does partys
wow, where do i start? well, in the beginning of ourworld, about 1000 to 5000 people played. now, there is 100000 people and counting! every day the average sign up for ourworld is 100 players. with new updates on this website, it makes it more popular to be on. check me out my name is 0oMuRpHiIo0
because they r very mean
Ourworld was created in 2008-09.
he was famous for having great partys and getting the people to do any thing