Drag the villager you want to become a Master Scientist over to the table near the main hut. Leave them there and over time they will become a Master Scientist, just be patient. Also, to make sure they focus and to speed up the process go to the detail menu for that character, and click the box at the far left of the research row. Clicking there will put a checkmark in the box. Good Luck!
Near the briers there is roots drag a master scientist there
the villagers become master at that skill
Drag them to the table near the fire
In the first virtual villagers, you have to put a master farmer into the lagoon to fish. In the second virtual villagers, you pick up a villager and drag them to the ocean to the left of the screen to fish. When algae is in the water and they refuse to fish, you have to get a master scientist to put alage eating fish in the water. To fish in the third virtual villagers, you have to create a potion for the sharks. Hope this helps!
After you get Exploration Level 2, drag a master scientist to the thorny bushes. Your villager will make a cutting tool!
Once farming 3 is acquired you can use a master scientist or farmer to get alge ratting fish out and put them in the ocean
The only way to make an adept farmer, or scientist, or adept ANYTHING, into a master, is by having them do the action that requires the skill you want to train them in.
What you have to do to make one of your villagers move the rock is make them a Adept Builder or Master Builder (You can not have a Trainee Builder) and make him or her a Master Scientist also, (Not a Adept Scientist or a Trainee Scientist) and then put him or her on the rock and they will pick it up. It's that simple.
Drag your villagers to the research table. There is no other way to increase tech. Make sure to click on the "detail" button and mark their preference as "research". An untrained villager will earn very little tech, while the higher ranks will earn more. There is untrained, trainee scientist, adept scientist, and master scientist. Obviously, the master scientist earns the most points.
Put bees on the noni bush, it will restore 20 fruits or get construction 2 put a master scientist and all your builders on the broken farm to fix it
Put bees on the noni bush, it will restore 20 fruits or get construction 2 put a master scientist and all your builders on the broken farm to fix it
First you need to clear the debris it may take some time. When the debris is cleared you put a villager that is master scientist and master building to the rock at the end of the waterfall. hope it help!