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Hi, i also had that question, but I anwsered it myself.........

How do I become a law guardian?

1. 1. You must be an attorney admitted in New York State and in good standing;

2. You must have appeared either as attorney of record, associate counsel or co-counsel for a party in three proceedings under article 3, article 6, article 7, or article 10 of the Family Court Act, or been found by a Family Court Judge to be well qualified by reason of education, training, or substantial trial experience; and

3. You must have attended the two "Fundamentals" training seminars: Effective Law Guardian Representation I and II. Effective Law Guardian Representation I covers juvenile justice proceedings and Effective Law Guardian Representation II covers child protective and custody proceedings. The seminars are held on a consecutive Friday and Saturday in late October or early November and in March, at the M. Dolores Denman Courthouse in Rochester, New York(see, Prospective Law Guardians). If your office is more than 80 miles from Rochester, the Program will provide lodging.

4. An application to attend the seminars and be designated to a law guardian panel can be found on the website with the Effective Law Guardian Representation seminar agendas. The completed application should be submitted to the Law Guardian Program Office by the deadline stated. You will receive notification whether your application has been approved by the Appellate Division no later than two weeks before the seminar date.

5. At the seminars you will receive an affirmation and an "orientation packet." Complete an affirmation for the county panel to which you would like to be designated and submit the affirmation to the Law Guardian Program office. The office will submit the completed affirmation and the application to the appropriate Family Court judge for consideration.

6. Upon receipt of the Judge's approval, the Appellate Division Clerk's Office will enter an order placing you on the panel. A copy of the order will be sent to you and to the Family Court.

Hope it helps you because it deffinately helped me.....

Koreena <3

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