Go 2 Oaklor, Beat The Easy Quest, And When You Get A Weapon, Sell It
You will need to explain as Dragonfable has multiple quest chains.
Which specific surewould quest?
at amityvile
DeathKnight Quest
It cannot be obtained in Dragonfable (outside a quest), however it is something you must find in the 'Dragonbane Vein' quest in Dragesvard
you need to be a member then beat galanoths 3rd quest. That's dragonslayer.. You have to be a dragonlord in dragonfable and verify it to get dragonlord.
There isn't a quest in AQWorlds. You can only defeat him in DragonFable.
(hint: you can only get those wings in dragonfable in the 100 room quest)
on lim's quest, circuits
in the quest were you train alchemy or in grams quest