here's the thing, bring a darkness weapon, and don't bring a team. Don't invite artix or galanoth or anything. Just bring a pet and a darkness weapon
I suggest you bring the blade of the blue lotus.
Go 2 Oaklor, Beat The Easy Quest, And When You Get A Weapon, Sell It
You will need to explain as Dragonfable has multiple quest chains.
Which specific surewould quest?
at amityvile
DeathKnight Quest
you need to be a member then beat galanoths 3rd quest. That's dragonslayer.. You have to be a dragonlord in dragonfable and verify it to get dragonlord.
It cannot be obtained in Dragonfable (outside a quest), however it is something you must find in the 'Dragonbane Vein' quest in Dragesvard
There isn't a quest in AQWorlds. You can only defeat him in DragonFable.
(hint: you can only get those wings in dragonfable in the 100 room quest)
in the quest were you train alchemy or in grams quest
go to ash in falconreach and click quest and click rescue