The first time with Diddy Kong, all you have to do is keep hitting Dogadon (the dragonfly) with TNT barrels and avoid his attacks, the second time around with Chunky Kong, do the same thing you did before with Diddy, but after that, Dogadon will stomp the platform, causing it to slowly sink, you will have to transform into Hunky Chunky (big chunky) and keep punching him until he gives you the key, If you can't beat him in time, you will have to start over.
He's a bit tricky if you don't know what you're doing!
When he roars and the shock-wave comes out, make your shock-wave (done by flicking the Wii Remote or clapping with the bongos) hit his. It will KO him, then run to him grab him (once again, done by flicking the Wii Remote or clapping with the bongos) and he will spin in the air. When he gets to you, hit him. If successful, he will bang against the screen.
You must jump on muglys back when there is no thorn on it, do it 3 times. Then he will start jumping roll under him and when he lands jump and hit him. he will then turn orange do the same he will charge at you a bit faster now but not that much. Then he will turn red he now has a new attack, he will charge for 2 sec. so be ready to jump he will hit the wall and get dozed then jump on him do this 3 times then he will fall unconscious. the tiki will emerge from mugly and then just run up and hit the tiki and kill him! PS. he comes again in the final boss. total hits to defeat:9
Baffle the bear is in K3 (the snow world) when you find him, take the package to Blue. He will give you a bowling ball. take the bowling ball to Bridgegar Bazooka bear and he'll fire it off
What light blue bear, never seen a Blue Bear on an iMac.
a donkey
What is the question about Blue Bear?
Blue bear live in pakistan
It's a gm donkey
A fat yellow bear likes honey, has a friend blue donkey, pink pig that walks on 2 legs and a brown joey that has a really ugly jumper.
red flowers , blue flowers jungle flowers
It means that you are hallucinating
the jungle
Old Baloo, Akela, Kaa, Bagheera, and his foster family.
A blue whale is bigger than a polar bear.