

Best Answer

you wear:

Bear Parker color 3

glasses color 1

bear slippers color 3

and for free time do:





For the arranged trick i had other paw every time so you might wanna practice that one....

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Q: How do you beat the World contest on dogz fashion ds?
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How do you take a picture in petz fashion dogz and catz?

You press R

Can someone give me a combination for petz dogz fashion?

Get a job you lazy bum

How do you beat petz dogz pack?

you probably need to get all the breeds mixes places and foods to beat it

Petz dogz fashion how to beat Irina?

the afro (color1) sunglasses(color1)skull tank top (color3) leather skirt (color1) and leather shoes (color1) have fun beating irina and being friends!

Who is X on dogz fashion ds?

The x person is a boy named gurdurf dog shugun

What are the best games at th Nintendo ds?

My kids REALLY like Mario Cart, Dogz Pack, Nintendo Dogz, there Tinker Bell for girls or boys I don't judge. And Image Teacher and um Image Fashion Designer. Hope I helped!

How do you spell dogz?

What the-You just spelled it!However,it is spelled: Dogz 2 Or,if you mean Dogz,Yeah..

How do you win the Asian contest on petz dogs fashion?

Get The Following Clothing:Bear Parker, Color 3Bear Shoes, Color 3Leather Mini Skirt, Color 1Glasses, Color 1For tricks:For the picked out one, duh, just do it as many times as possible.For Free Style:Back Flip (Barkle)JumpSaluteKaraokedis is leanne dis made me win lol x hope it works 4 u1Hope I helped (((: I'm on the national contest now and I'm stuck xPP

Is Dogz or Dogz 2 better?

Technically, Dogz 2 should be better because it has extra things added to it. This is true for most people and people often prefer Dogz 2, but I personally like Dogz best. Anyway, so that you can buy the one that you would prefer, I'd go for Dogz 2. I hope this helps and that you like Dogz 2. If you find that you would've prefered Dogz, I am most terribly sorry.

When was Wild Dogz created?

Wild Dogz was created in 2002.

I can't get my dogz my to play with toys on petz dogz pack?

You got to give it time. Soon the dogz will get used to the toys and they will play with them!

What is the duration of Deck Dogz?

The duration of Deck Dogz is 1.5 hours.